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Employment information (Shiga factory: a part)

Job offer information

Shiga factory

Recruitment release date: 2022-03-31

The type of jobManufacturing industry
The employment form


Offer contents
Press molding of the whetstone a whetstone to grind a grinding tool for industrial roll ceramics abrasion


Hourly wage 1,000yen

Raise in salary one time a year a year periodical increase in pay (April)

Company nameTYM
Work location

〒529-0322 ShigaNagahama-shi242, Koima, Kohoku-cho

Working hours①08:30-15:00
(it can be selected)
Holiday, vacationYear-end and New Year vacation/paid vacation/congratulations or condolence leave/compassionate leave/tray vacation/Saturday/Sunday (calendar in the company)
Service, welfare program/transportation expenses total amount supply equipped with social insurance
RemarksI can apply on the telephone.
TYM: 0749-78-1461
(time in weekdays 08:00-17:00)
Please feel free to contact the questions
 An inquiry form is this
TEL. +81-749-78-1461
I look forward to the inquiry over the telephone
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